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PAROL6 control board

PAROL6 control board

Regular price €260,61 EUR
Regular price Sale price €260,61 EUR

16 in stock

Driver options:

For ease of programming the board, we recommend: Parol6 programming adapter

If you choose the version without stepper drivers, you will need to buy them yourself. Check BOM for a list of recommended sellers.

The PAROL6 control board is the advanced 32-bit controller for 6 AXES robotic arms like PAROL6. It works out of the box with PAROL6 and PAROL6 commander software.

The PAROL6 control board is a compact robotic controller. It is by size a little bigger than a pack of playing cards. It allows PAROL6 to be small and portable robot without the need for a control cabinet that is usually the size of the whole robot. 

You will need PAROL6 control board if you plan to build a PAROL6 robotic arm!

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Feature rich

  • 6 x Stepper motors
  • 6 x limit sensors
  • STM32F446RE MCU
  • 1 x CAN bus, 1 x USB
  • TMC5160 drivers
  • 10-36V, 3A, protection
  • 2 x ISO inputs
  • 2 x ISO outputs
  • ESTOP connector
  • 64MB external memory
  • cooling fan connector
  • JTAG programming
  • Fully end of line tested
  • Open source software for controlling robots

    Parol6 control board works out of the box with our PAROL6 commander software!

  • Compact design

    Extremely small and compact design allows you to save space when building robots! No need to use electrical cabinet to store your electronics!

  • Multiple robots!

    Our PAROL6 control board can control any 6 axes robot based on steppers and limit switches / limit sensors!